and subsequent updates and add-on packs
Published on November 27, 2004 By DigitalCHET In OS Customization
I've removed my Novacons Stardock Icon pack from the Graphics section of WC because I recently learned that one of the conditions of uploading to that section was that the artist relinquishes all ownership of work submitted.
I had merely wanted to provide people with extra icons for the Novacons pack and had thought the graphics section to be the place to submit them since there was no other section to upload add-on icon packs.
Perhaps I should read the small print more carefully.

Fear not though, as these icons will still be available from my DeviantArt gallery (
I'll post up more info on these as they become available.

Thanks and my apologies for any inconvenience.

on Nov 27, 2004
Ok, the Stardock icons pack is available at
and a new MS Office icons pack is available at
on Nov 27, 2004
I have commented on this in a recent article, though in a different light. Wincustomize needs a section for extra Icons that are beyond the scope of Iconpackager. My point was that it makes things confusing for newbies to have to unzip and find the *.ip file when people upload a zip with extra Icons and an *.icl file to the Iconpackager library.

Though you could have uploaded them to the ObjectDock section as they will work for that proggy also.
on Nov 29, 2004
Yeah, exactly. If it's confusing for me, having been around the site for years now, I can definately see how it could confuse newcomers. All that's really needed is a Add-on pack option in the IP section. That way people know that it is an add-on icon pack and not an IP package.
on Nov 30, 2004
~ Excellent idea! I don't know how many times I've downloaded extra icons and gotten a little confused. No matter how often I do it, I keep forgetting unless I add them immendiately...which rarely happens.

~ Better yet, how about an IconPackager suggestion to allow users to import add-on packs and apply them to current packages using the .ip extension. That would be nice.
on Nov 30, 2004
I've added an icon pack for Instant Messaging applications available at
