If any of you have any pointless or unanswerable questions just post them here... you never know, someone may have an answer.

I'll start it off...

Is there another word for synonym?
Comments (Page 9)
9 PagesFirst 7 8 9 
on Jan 06, 2004
#120 Why am I crazy?

It's not just you...we're all Bozo's on this bus! In fact I myself am "FullTiltBozo"!

[Message Edited]
on Jan 06, 2004
How do you express the sound of inhaling through text?
on Jan 06, 2004
How do you express the sound of inhaling through text?

***sigh*** (not the same thing but close I guess

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on Jan 06, 2004

Is this inhaling?
on Jan 06, 2004
How do you express the sound of inhaling through text?

Just dont ask Bill, he never inhaled.
on Jan 06, 2004
why yangge created lots of wonderful icon sets(12) for us with over 300k dl and still a citizen? and i contributed less than her and im an apprentice
on Jan 06, 2004
opps im wrong almost 400k
on Jan 07, 2004
how much wood, would a wood chuck , chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ?
9 PagesFirst 7 8 9