Wii styiling for your Windows
Published on December 6, 2006 By DigitalCHET In WindowBlinds
Well, I've decided to finally get back into skinning, and to do so I'm working on a Wii-themed skin for Windowblinds, which I've appropriately named Wii|ndows.
I'm getting my Wii later on this afternoon so I thought it would be cool to make a WB skin for it.

It's still in its early stages but here's a quick preview.

Feel free to comment.

on Dec 06, 2006
Looks excellent!
on Dec 06, 2006
on Dec 06, 2006
I...I...I...think I'm in Love!
on Dec 06, 2006
Wii's on our list of things to get soon. Theme looks great!

get back into skinning

Great news!
on Dec 06, 2006
Preview Looks Great!

I'm getting my Wii later on this afternoon so I thought it would be cool to make a WB skin for it.

Now that you've got the new console do you really have time to skin?
on Dec 06, 2006
Now that you've got the new console do you really have time to skin?
Part of me wonders if what you say may indeed be proved true, but I still believe a true skinner knows there's always time to skin.
on Dec 06, 2006
Looks great
on Dec 08, 2006
pretty nice, your logoff glyph looks like it may be a pixel south of center tho
on Dec 10, 2006
** Digital*CHET sighs deeply... (there's always one...)

lol... thanks vStyler... i shall have my people take another look at that...
on Dec 13, 2006