If any of you have any pointless or unanswerable questions just post them here... you never know, someone may have an answer.

I'll start it off...

Is there another word for synonym?
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on Jan 05, 2004
#30 by IPlural - 1/5/2004 11:16:26 PM
Whats the last thing to go through a bugs mind when it hits the wind shield?

His butt!

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on Jan 05, 2004
The title refers to the time of day. It is either 3:35AM (25 to 4) or 3:34AM (26 to 4). We know it is early morning because of the line "Waiting for the break of day."

see here: http://www.songfacts.com/detail.lasso?id=1197
on Jan 05, 2004
Whats the last thing to go through a bugs mind when it hits the wind shield?

do bugs have minds?
on Jan 05, 2004
Whats the last thing to go through a bugs mind when it hits the wind shield?

Hmmm, is that a wind shie..... Splat!
on Jan 05, 2004
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself is it considered a hostage situation??
on Jan 05, 2004
When I see [Message Edited}, what got cut, and who cut it? Why?

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on Jan 05, 2004
how do they know dogs are color blind? did one tell?(-:
on Jan 05, 2004
ever go UP the street to get DOWNtown?
on Jan 05, 2004
Who came up with the idea of rubbing Prepheration H on your face to reduce wrinkles?
I would also like to know who was the first to try it?
on Jan 05, 2004
If you had a bag of dehydrated water, what would you mix it with?
on Jan 05, 2004
exactly what is this Wood Chucking that Woodchucks do?
on Jan 05, 2004
If you had a bag of dehydrated water, what would you mix it with?

My Wifes Mashed Patato's!!!
[Message Edited]
on Jan 05, 2004
If you choke a smurf, does it turn blue?
on Jan 05, 2004
there already blue
they just crap there pants
on Jan 05, 2004


When I see [Message Edited}, what got cut, and who cut it? Why?

When you see that, it means the poster has edited the comment. To add missing letters, words, punctuation, or for whatever reason.

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